The Seven Practices to a Stress & Anxiety-Free Resilience
Niro Dayalan's Emotional Resilience program is committed to creating professionals who are connected to their emotional Intelligence, free from anxiety and emotional trauma and identify with their direction & purpose.
It's fun to win...But not when it comes at a cost to your mental health, relationship &
team culture.
These 7 practices can evolve you into becoming a strong leader in your profession - and also implemented throughout your life and your organisations - make Authentic Leadership a core part of your identity and your culture.
Niro tailors each topic to make it tangible to you or your specific organisation.
Freedom From Drama
End the patterns of victim-hood, blame and rescuing by being empowered to take 100% ownership
Set Boundaries
Learn the art and the power of using the word NO! No creates boundaries and creates space for self-respect
Being Smarter Through
Leaders with Emotional Intelligence have a competitive advantage; by integrating thinking, feeling and intuition.
Give Life To Your
Create strategies to do what you value the most; your dreams, your desires, drive your heart to excitement
Gain Clarity in your
Get clear and focused on your reason, goals and objectives
Authentic Connection
Choosing to grow and contribute, rather than being right and in control.
Learn to connect from your heart.
Become A Leader
Learn effective strategies and techniques in staying focused, driven and influencing others
In Your Discovery Session, You will:
Gain Clarity in YOUR Anxiety & what to do about it (it may not be what you think it is)
Identify the damage your unconscious fears are causing you and those around you.
Understand your journey and prepare for the challenges you will encounter.
Find out if mental equilibrium matches your
vision and beliefs
Discuss your unique 3-Spears methodology program individualised for you!
The Benefits of Resilience Coaching
81% improved their time management skills
63% experienced
improvements in
their relationships
70% increased their
work performance
60% increased their leadership effectiveness
57% increased
confidence and
decreased stress
47% improved their health with sustained results
International Coaching Federation Global Coaching Client Study
The Manchester Review (Vol. 6, No 1.201), by McGovern et al, and the International Coach Federation​